What was the personal situation or challenge?
Living in Washington, in the U.S., Patrick and his family had previously visited Portugal and fell in love with the Algarve region. They had also frequently visited their close relatives in Seville, Spain, which eventually sparked their desire to relocate to Portugal.
However, as U.S. citizens, the intricacies of acquiring citizenship and dealing with regulations and tax systems seemed overwhelming. They mainly wanted to know how they could reside in Portugal while still having the ability to visit their family across the border in Spain.

The prospect of navigating a foreign immigration process was challenging, and they had no idea where to begin. The family also has two children, aged 15 and 11, who need education access.
How did Portugal Pathways help?
We guided Patrick through the many visa options available in Portugal. We thoroughly explained each visa programme, its benefits, and eligibility criteria. The D7 Visa programme seemed like the ideal solution for their needs.
This visa programme would allow them to have full residency in Portugal, access to education for their children, healthcare, and full access to European Schengen member countries, allowing them to visit their relatives in Spain.
Our team provided guidance and support in navigating the application process and eligibility requirements. They also wanted to find a location that was very traditionally Portuguese. We were able to find them their perfect home in Lagos, in the Western Algarve.
Portugal Pathways also ensured that Patrick and his wife enrolled in the Non-Habitual Residency (NHR) tax program, which offered them substantial tax advantages. Through NHR, Patrick enjoyed a 0% tax rate on his non-Portugal-based income.
Having successfully acquired residency through the D7 visa and enrolled in the NHR tax regime, Patrick, with careful guidance and support from our real estate experts, purchased a $1.4 million villa on the outskirts of Lagos. Portugal Pathways's advice and individualised solutions have helped Patrick and his family settle into their new Portuguese residence.
Current NHR Tax Holders: Are you structured and protected?
Mitigate high taxes and safegaurd your finances by planning early for the end of your NHR status!